Thank You: Reflecting on 12 Years of Blogging

As I sit down to write this post, I am filled with gratitude and reflection. It’s hard to believe that it has been 12 years since I started Like a Dad. What began as a simple journal during my parental leave has blossomed into something much more meaningful. Over the years, this blog has evolved into a space where I share my thoughts on fatherhood, BBQ, sports, and life’s everyday moments. Today, I want to take a moment to say thank you—to each and every one of you who has taken the time to read, comment, and engage with my blogging adventures.

Day 85: Standing In the Shadows Of No-Town

The PL stands for Parental Leave, which I am currently doing for six months.

Don’t worry family and friends who look forward to the PL Daily, I am trying my best here. It is just hard to get motivated to write every day. A lot has been happening this week, so if this turns into a week wrap up, don’t get all technical on me. Charlie is growing up faster than this blog can go. Every day he is adding something new and I am taking the time to just enjoy it rather than sharing it with you. What has he been doing that is so great? Well I will get to that later. The title of this post should give away two items that involves Charlie. With August hitting, it means I have two months left on my parental leave. Where did the time go? I mean, two months is still a long time, but it already feels like it is going to end in days. Better enjoy it while I can.

Day 85 was also Coolio’s 50th birthday and I would have to say my time with Charlie to date has been a fantastic voyage to say the least.

Like a Dad Voted Best Dad Read By Books Make A Difference Readers


When I started out my dad-themed blog last year, I knew I had what to took to build an audience and build a decent website.

I never really thought I would get voted as a top blog according to other sites.

Books Make A Difference, that celebrates books, their creators and fans, and the positive difference they make in people’s lives, ran a poll that included 25 amazing dad blogs.

For a few weeks, readers got to vote for their favourite. Somehow, Like A Dad won.

Dad-i-cated Bloggers: Dad Blogger Links Worth A Look – May 8



There are so many dad-i-cated bloggers out there, it is hard to read everything they post. But every now and then, we try to share some of what they have to say. The dad blogging community is growing rapidly and we hope you can take some time to sample some of their talents. Want your link added? Just use the contact link at the bottom.

Dad’s a LawyerParents can’t win: How do you satisfy your demanding children?

Ay Yo, Be A FatherKids and the news

Life Of DadMy mom – 12 days of mom

Raised By My DaughterSome thoughts on aliens and the miracle of life

DIY Father21st century dad issues – oversharing

How To Be A DadThe “hm” scale of women

Single Parent DadIt’s too nice to be inside

A Blogger And A FatherDisney: All parents are moms

Canadian Dad BlogSkylanders giants digital homework pack and giveaway

The Adventures Of Jaydon And DaddyT-ball toddler

That’s all for today. Check back soon.

Blogging Like A Dad – Top 50 Dad Blogs of 2012

As an experienced and somewhat successful blogger, taking on the daddy genre was  next on the list of challenges. I have figured out what it takes to grow and explode a blog and in the last three years, I had gotten dad experience first hand with my two boys. So it only seemed natural to mix the two.

Time was the challenge. I was always saying, when I have time, when things slow down etc. But as any working parent knows, things NEVER slow down.

So I just did it. Started up the new blog from scratch and have been adding content for a month.

Recently put out their annual list of Top 50 Dad Blogs of 2012 and I was very excited to go through each and every one to first, read about other great dads and their thoughts and secondly, size up the competition.

I have to say, way more impressive than I first thought. I knew the Mom blog world was full and just assumed dads would be too busy to blog. Silly me. The list only touches on 50 and I can think of several not even on there that I read almost daily.

I salute all the dad bloggers on this list and all the ones so close. What does this list do for me personally? Well it gives me motivation to work hard, pour my dad thoughts out and entertain all of you. Then maybe I will join the ranks of these dad blogs.

Here are the Top 50 Dad Blogs of 2012