The great debate: 10 controversial food takes that stir the pot

In the vast, wild world of the internet, few topics can ignite a firestorm of opinions quite like food. From the texture of egg yolks to the legitimacy of American cheese, everyone seems to have a hill they’re willing to die on. So, grab a snack (controversial or not), and let’s dive into the 10 most polarizing food takes that have foodies and casual eaters alike typing furiously into the void.

Friday Newsletter – What is going on with Toronto sports?

Every Friday I fire off a list of things I think you need to know. Want me to know something in return? Leave it in the comments.

Happy Friday gang, we made it again. While it was a short week in terms of work for some, a lot was going on as we switched to April. The one thing that has been on my mind for a lot of the week, is how sad it has become (again) to be a Toronto sports fan. The Raptors are an absolute mess and I am pretty sure are trying to lose every game they can. The Maple Leafs are plodding towards the playoffs where we expect them to flame out in the early rounds again.

Friday Newsletter – It’s a “Good” one

Every Friday I fire off a list of things I think you need to know. Want me to know something in return? Leave it in the comments.

Happy Good Friday everyone. Yes, it’s a holiday for many, but the newsletter rolls on. Also, should we start a petition to upgrade Good Friday, to Great Friday? Like I said, it’s a day off for many and in our house, that means no school and no work. Everyone is home. So what does that mean? Well, a lot of sleeping in and resetting for the weekend ahead.

Hopefully, Spring weather comes through and we will feel like being outside for much of the day. There is March Madness, the Blue Jays are back, and yes, getting reading for Easter dinner. What are you cooking?

It was a fast week, but a good week. Here are just some of the things that have me entertained or at the very least caught my eye.

Recipe of the day – Beefy enchiladas

Every other weekend, it’s my turn to do meal prep for the week as well as grocery shopping. Each time I sit down with some cookbooks and my phone and try to come up with a handful of meals for the family. As weeknight meals, they ideally are pretty simple, tasty, and something everyone will eat.

Going through this process 26 times per year, you get stuck in a rut. You get bored of what you are cooking. It’s only natural. So, for me, it’s good to have a few meals that are fun to make, enjoyable to eat, and provide that homecooked feeling with real ingredients.

More and more, I am starting to realize that there is a dish that checks all the boxes. The enchilada.

Getting Nutritional Advice From A Dietitian is Easier Than You Think


Have you ever wanted to book an appointment with a registered dietitian and figured it would be too costly? Well what would you say if I told you there is a place that offers the service where you already go for your groceries? Yes, it’s true.

The dietitian program I am speaking of is offered at many of the Loblaws stores across Canada. In fact, the Loblaws we shop at weekly has the service and I had no idea it existed or that many of the services were free to the public until recently. Now that it has been pointed out, it’s like, I see that sign all the time.

I was given the opportunity to have a consultation with an in-store dietitian at Loblaws and I wanted to share my experience with you. I did learn a few things I was not expecting.

As a bonus, I also got some great tips on how to make Thanksgiving leftovers a little healthier. Don’t worry, I know Thanksgiving for us Canadians is long gone, but I will include some easy ways to take some classic comfort food dishes and make them healthier.

Memories of Small Town Life & KFC


Do you have a particular food that makes you hungry every time the scent hits your nose? Does that smell take you back to your childhood and remind you of how awesome it was to be a kid? We all do.

For me, one such smell that whisks me back to a time when life was simple has to be the smell of KFC.

Why KFC, you ask? Because I grew up in a very small town. Corunna, Ontario to be exact. Short of local pizza places, KFC was the only real restaurant in town. Its smell was always wafting down the main drag, known as Lyndoch Street.

There were no McDonald’s Restaurants or even other chains like Ponderosa or Casey’s in Corunna. For those, you had to make the 20 minute drive into Sarnia, so they were very special treats.