The dad blog community is a very passionate, strong and fun-filled group. Every Monday, I want to introduce you to one of them and give back to a gang that I am proud to be a part of.
This week: Chris Read of Canadian Dad.
A little about the Canadian Dad right from the blog
My blog is a lot of things to me. It’s a place for me to share my stories of fatherhood. It’s a place where I can talk about the products and stories that I like. It gives me a voice, to speak about the evolving role of fatherhood. It let’s me talk about other great Dads and allows me to share stories of Canadians who are doing amazing things!
When I first entered the dad blogging space, I was doing my homework. Typing endless searches into Google to see what other dad blogs there were in Canada. The one that kept coming up was “Canadian Dad”. I checked it out and was instantly hooked. After reading a few of Chris’s posts, it was clear he was the real deal. A dad that just loves his kids and wants to share his stories. No extra fluff, just good old-fashioned tales from the heart. He picked a great domain as it is all over google. I mean if you want to find a dad blogger in Canada, what are you going to type right?
The more I followed Chris and did somewhat of a full analysis of his site and social pages, I was starting to wonder if he was only one man. He seems to be everywhere all the time. On Twitter, Facebook, bouncing around the country like he had his own Canadian Dad private jet. All I kept wondering was what this guy did for a living. Now I still don’t know, but it does not really matter. His blog and his personality are all about being a dad.
He has also become quite the go-to guy for Canadian companies looking to reach new customers. Like I said, with the killer search domain, it is clear that he has influence. Every time I see a post or a tweet, he is partnering with someone to offer cool prizes or special deals.
When he has time to actually write, he shares awesome stories about his kids and how much fun he has with them. I even saw him on the local Ottawa morning show really pushing how awesome it is to be a dad. He should be the modern dad spokesperson. I would vote for him.
Chris is also in a Facebook group called the “Dad Bloggers Group” with hundreds of other dads. He is always there to help out and offer promotion or tips. I have never met him, but just his online personality says he would be there for you when needed. Lucky family he has if that is the case.
What I like most about Canadian Dad is it is a popular blog that was built with simple intentions. He is a dad and wants to let everyone else know how much fun he has doing it. No smell of doing it for fame, money, free stuff or popularity.
There were a few hundred when I joined and now it is closing in on 400 dad bloggers.
Chris also writes for a handful of other blogs (again I don’t know how he does it all). He has some great posts of at Life Of Dad that are worth a read if you want to continue to learn about Chris.
Last week I referred to Oren Miller as the King Pin of dad bloggers. Well I would have to call Chris the Canadian Chairman of the blogs. As a new dad blogger in Canada, I would love to follow in his footsteps or even team up one day. Sure dads everywhere are awesome, but we have to stick to our roots and give the Canada dads the edge. Right? Eh?
So go and read Canadian Dad. If you are a new dad or older dad, it does not matter. His stories are genuine, touching and they make you want to be a better dad (even if you already are a super dad).
I keep hearing him in my head saying “just put away the phone, turn off the gadgets and get down on the floor with your kids”. Thanks for taking the dad blogs to another level Chris.
Want to be featured? Drop me a line and I will add you to the list.
Hey Michael, I’m the jerktastic blogger who had no idea you even wrote this. Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it and am glad that you see me the way I try to live. Keep up the great work and I’m sure we’ll run into each other at one of these conferences eventually!
no worries at all. I did not take it personally. Love what you are doing over there at CD HQ. Look forward to the new project.