I Think We Are All Ready For Christmas

No more trips to the store please. I think we now live in Bayers Lake (which is where all the stores are for those who don’t live here).

Today we went out for a few more things and I think we are done. The only trip left is one of the most important, the Christmas Eve run to the liquor store.

We need beer and wine to fully enjoy the week I think.

It was feeling like we would never get caught up. Last week I was definitely worrying about getting everything done. But short of wrapping gifts, I think we made it.

Groceries are in the house, the tree is decorated and the boys are totally ready for Santa.

This is our first Christmas with two walkers. It is hilarious to see Charlie on his feet walking up to the tree and pointing high into the sky.

Our house is starting to feel very small.

Next up will be wrapping everything, putting the gifts under the tree tomorrow night and waiting for Santa.

We are not doing any travelling this year, so it will be a quiet week of family time, eating and resting.

I can’t wait.



Michael is the creator of Like A Dad and uses his daily experiences of being a parent and a marketing dude as his content. Always looking to connect with other parents and bloggers.


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