Winning Christmas Like A Dad

This is the first post since we celebrated Christmas and it took a few days to build up the energy to do so.

Gifts have been played with, garbage has come and gone and the fridge is full of leftovers and booze. Sounds about right.

This year was also the first Christmas with the two boys.

Harrison (3) is at the perfect age to truly love Christmas and he did so with gusto this year. Giving and receiving gifts, the kid was on fire and hardly slept or ate.

He is back at preschool today which is part of the reason I have time to post.

Seeing that true, unadulterated love of Christmas in a kid’s eyes is what did it for me this year. He was speechless with excitement at certain points.

He listened for Santa, remembered who got him what and did not have one meltdown or misbehaving moment. Blessed.

Charlie (3 months), well he slept through it all.

But that was expected.

We have been Skyping and talking to friends and really having a nice holiday despite not going home to see family.

So what did Dad get? Well my one big present was a hot plate for my Big Green Egg. Now I can really get into the indirect cooking. I also got some gift cards and tickets to see the local sports teams.

All in all, our family had a great few days and I think I can speak for the Mrs, we are a lucky bunch to be all together and happy.

How was your Christmas? Did you win the battle like a dad?


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