Four Small Businesses on the Goal Line in Intuit’s Small Business Big Game

Getting your small business noticed is hard. Especially when it costs so much for marketing and advertising. So, it would make sense that the ultimate moment for a business to explode, is to get in front of the most eyes as possible.

Well Intuit is going to make this happen for one lucky small business.

Small Business Big Game kicked off July 31 and had tens of thousands of small businesses entered for the chance to win more than $25 million in rewards and offers to help them succeed. Then the field was narrowed to just 20 that Intuit’s 8,000 employees around the globe voted on to determine the top four finalists. Now they have it down to the final four.

The following four small businesses are all who remain in the competition to receive their very own 30-second television advertisement that will air during football’s biggest game on Feb. 2. The ultimate winner will be determined by a worldwide online vote between:

Barley Labs, of Durham, N.C. – Produces all-natural dog treats in various flavors out of recycled barley from a local brewery.
GoldieBlox, of Oakland, Calif. – Is a toy company inspiring girls to push limits and think outside the box.
Locally Laid Egg Company, of Duluth, Minn. – Raises hens on pasture to produce healthier poultry and eggs.
POOP – Natural Dairy Compost, of Nampa, Idaho – Produces natural and odorless composted dairy manure for lawns, gardens and flowerbeds.

Now for all the parents out there, you have probably seen the viral video put out by GoldieBox recently. So you can imagine the competition is stiff.

So we took a look at the final four and wanted to feature GoldieBlox.

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Everyone is a winner

In addition to vying for the ultimate prize, all four businesses score big no matter what outcome. As finalists they will receive:

  • Free, lifetime use of Intuit small business solutions, including Intuit QuickBooks, payroll and payments.
  • Professionally produced advertising for their business.
  • A meeting and business advice from entrepreneur and reality star Bill Rancic.
  • An all-expense paid trip to New York for a big game viewing party held in their honor.

Pretty cool stuff. I look forward to seeing who wins. I would hope a company making toys will be out poop, but poop can be pretty powerful stuff.

To learn more about this small business contest, you can read the official Intuit press release here.

Michael is the creator of Like A Dad and uses his daily experiences of being a parent and a marketing dude as his content. Always looking to connect with other parents and bloggers.


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