Seeing Poker in a Different Light

Enhancing sports fundraisers through poker

Sports stopped being a merely about the competition a long time ago. Today, sports activities are carried out by a brotherhood of men who don’t only contend with each other, but also support charities and youth organizations in need.

Athletes and organizers of basketball, baseball, football, and even extreme sports such as BMX and kite surfing all regularly play games and hold events for charity. While all sports fundraisers generally raise good amounts of money, there are some that still do better than others. Their secret? Including an element of poker in their events, appealing to a wider audience and increasing participation immensely.

Since poker is the most popular mind sport on Earth, it’s no surprise how it can help boost a fundraiser’s efficiency. After all, millions of people play poker, whether professionally or just to pass the time, and charity organizers have found that poker-playing crowds are great participants in fundraisers. Retired NBA star Allan Houston regularly conducts poker charity events for the benefit of his foundation, which supports single fathers and entrepreneurship programs. He was once able to raise a whopping $250,000 – something made possible through the integration of poker games.