They Grow Up So Fast

I was scrolling through my Instagram photos yesterday and basically went down a rabbit hole for 35 minutes. It's amazing to see how your kids grow and change through pictures.…

Kodak Moments App Makes It Easier To Print Photos

I have been taking digital photos for well over 10 years and I don’t think I have deleted any of them. I have USB sticks, external drives, CD-ROMS, several clouds and memory cards on the go, all full of photos.

Photos of my life. Food, pets, kids, moments, silly things and everything in between. I don’t look at them, I store them so I have them one day. But does that day ever come? Jim Gaffigan does a bit in his standup about this and he is spot on. We are digital photo hoarders.

30 years ago, a photo was precious because it was actually work to take it. You only had so much film and the cost that went with it. So you wanted every photo to be amazing.

With the age of digital, one thing that many of us have left behind is actually displaying photos for people to actually seen. Not on a computer, a phone or even one of those silly digital picture frames. No, I mean printing it out, putting it in a frame and displaying it so that memory is part of your day.

I have thousands and thousands of photos that I would call good. But if you look around my house, you don’t see any. That’s just not fair to my talents for capturing the moment.

It’s time I get back into printing photos and being creative in how they are displayed out in the open.

It’s time to showcase an amazing photo how they did 50 years ago.