Friday Newsletter – What is going on with Toronto sports?

Every Friday I fire off a list of things I think you need to know. Want me to know something in return? Leave it in the comments.

Happy Friday gang, we made it again. While it was a short week in terms of work for some, a lot was going on as we switched to April. The one thing that has been on my mind for a lot of the week, is how sad it has become (again) to be a Toronto sports fan. The Raptors are an absolute mess and I am pretty sure are trying to lose every game they can. The Maple Leafs are plodding towards the playoffs where we expect them to flame out in the early rounds again.

Friday Newsletter – It’s a “Good” one

Every Friday I fire off a list of things I think you need to know. Want me to know something in return? Leave it in the comments.

Happy Good Friday everyone. Yes, it’s a holiday for many, but the newsletter rolls on. Also, should we start a petition to upgrade Good Friday, to Great Friday? Like I said, it’s a day off for many and in our house, that means no school and no work. Everyone is home. So what does that mean? Well, a lot of sleeping in and resetting for the weekend ahead.

Hopefully, Spring weather comes through and we will feel like being outside for much of the day. There is March Madness, the Blue Jays are back, and yes, getting reading for Easter dinner. What are you cooking?

It was a fast week, but a good week. Here are just some of the things that have me entertained or at the very least caught my eye.

Friday Newsletter – Who will win enraged March?

Every Friday I fire off a list of things I think you need to know. Want me to know something in return? Leave it in the comments.

B-b-b-b-b-asketball…….gimme the ball and I’m gonna dunk it!

Yes sir, it’s that time of year again. Where it’s considered okay to ignore all life’s responsibilities and watch 12 hours of hoops in a day. The picks are in, the ball is tipped, and the upsets are happening. March Madness is the best, even in a year where I have watched zero seconds of college basketball. I actually had a stronger opinion on who will win the women’s tourney, than the men. Spoiler alert, it will be South Carolina.

On the men’s side, there are a lot of the usual suspects, but other than Zach Edey at Purdue, I don’t know any of the players. Does it matter? Not really?

The Move From Cartoons #StreamTeam


Do you remember when your kids first started watching shows or movies that were not cartoons? In our house for many years, if it was not a cartoon, it was boring.

But that has started to change as our boys get older.

Now they like shows or movies that have real people and real stories rather than the world of cartoons.

Just this past weekend we watched the first Harry Potter movie from beginning to end. Both our boys (4 and 7) stayed engaged the whole time.

That would not have happened even 6 months ago.

It sure makes watching TV with the kids a lot more enjoyable. You can only watch so many Paw Patrols or episodes of Pokemon before you leave the room.

Parents, Kiss Bedtime Battles Goodnight with A Little Help from #Netflix


New DreamWorks Animation Dinotrux ‘5 Minute Favorites’ Launch November 4 only on Netflix

Check out a preview of your new ‘secret weapon’ for bedtime battles here.

Beverly Hills, Calif., Nov. 4, 2015 – Parents, get ready for your victory lap because your bedtime-stalling kids just met their match. It’s no secret kids will say everything from the outrageous – “I hate the inside of my eyelids” – to the hard-to-argue-with “I’m starving-dying of thirst-need to pee” excuse to avoid bedtime o’clock. Now, with the help of Netflix and DreamWorks Animation, grown-ups can stop the kids’ shenanigans while making some mischief of their own.

With today’s launch of five-minute-long ‘favorites’ of the hit series Dinotrux from DreamWorks Animation, parents can offer up an ENTIRE SHOW – that’s 300 whole seconds, kids – to motivate little ones to get ready for bedtime, pronto. Kids will think they’re getting away with murder, but parents will get the last laugh when the show ends after just five minutes and the kids are tucked in on time. Parents: 1, Kids’ Bedtime Stalls: 0.

While short on time, the new Dinotrux 5 Minute Favorites are big on kid-approved action. Netflix and DreamWorks Animation engineered the new shows knowing exactly what kids love most: rewatching their favorite scenes. Parents know when kids like a show, they really like it. And ask to re-watch their favorite scenes over, and over, and over again. The three new 5 Minute Favorites, launching today on Netflix, showcase favorite scenes following the rapid adventures of Ty-Rux and Revvit as they demonstrate important lessons of teamwork and friendship – even among the unlikeliest of pairs. To watch on Netflix simply search for 5 Minute Favorites.

Born To Be Wild Kratts

If you have a son (of daughter) in the age range of 4-5, I bet you know about the always caffeine-powered Kratt Brothers. The show is called Wild Kratts and…