Dad-I-Cated Bloggers: Oren Miller Of A Blogger And A Father


The dad blog community is a very passionate, strong and fun-filled group. Every Monday, I want to introduce you to one of them and give back to a gang that I am proud to be a part of.

This week: Oren Miller of A Blogger And A Father.

A little about the Blogger Father right from the blog

I started writing here a little after my wife and I had our first kid in 2007. I was still blogging mostly elsewhere about everything and anything and nothing much, but gradually this blog became my main (then the only) one, since I was a stay-at-home dad, living breathing dreaming fatherhood 24/7.

I first encountered Oren, when I started my dad blog. I was looking for a community of dad bloggers like I used to have with my sports blog, Cuzoogle. Networking with your own niche is quite important for sharing ideas, helping each other out with tips or promotion and of course reading what everyone as to say.

I don’t even remember how I found it, but I stumbled upon this dad community on Facebook called “Dad Bloggers Group.” Catchy right?

There were a few hundred when I joined and now it is closing in on 400 dad bloggers.

Oren from what I can tell is a very opinionated and passionate dad. He is always offering advice, thoughts, wise cracks and more in the group. From this it got me to reading his blog. I enjoy his style of writing and his style of parenting.

As mentioned on his site, Oren has been writing at A Blogger And A Father since the birth of his child in 2007. While his blog started out as a vessel for him to feature other blogging Dads, it is now a place where he shares his sometimes controversial but always interesting thoughts on fatherhood. I admire that he is the king pin behind joining all of these great dads who blog about so many different topics.

Just be reading his posts and reading his blurbs in the many threads posted in the group, he is one of those guys that shoots from the hip and is not afraid to take on a touch topic. There is no playing it safe when it comes to fatherhood issues when it comes to the Blogger Father.

One of Oren’s main focuses that I really appreciate would be his features of other blogging fathers. Now it would be fake of me to not mention I look forward to the day that he does one for Like A Dad. But that is totally up to Oren. I am pretty new on the block, so it is all about paying your dues before getting called up to the big leagues.

If you want to see who he has featured so far, he has an ongoing list going that from what I can tell, is updated pretty often. If you are a dad blogger who wants more exposure and readership, this is the list to be on.

He does not worry about hogging the lime light for himself and instead focuses on spreading the word of fatherhood through the sharing of different bloggers, opinions and ideas. If you are a dad (or mom for that matter) who loves to read and see what others are doing, it is the best place to start and build a nice RSS feed full of quality content.

I appreciate all that Oren is doing for the dad blogging community and for dads in general. He wears his blogging heart on his sleeve and at least once a week, he turns a simple topic into a nice little tale for other dads to read. I enjoyed his little story on buying a new bed recently and it made me think back to when I did the same thing.

Oren and him blog are not the biggest on the block, but if you are starting out as a dad blogger or writing about parenting, he is a person you want to get to know.

Thanks Oren, the dad blogging community in a way starts with you, so that is why I decided to feature the Blogger Father first. Go check out his blog and join the Facebook group. See you there.

Oren has been featured on The Good Men Project, The Huffington Post, The Baltimore Sun, Mamapedia, Raising America, Redbook and The Real Deal by RetailMeNot.

Want to be featured? Drop me a line and I will add you to the list.


  1. Hey, thanks!

    King pin? I like that! Makes me sound dangerous!

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