Angry Birds Star Wars Review



Do you play Angry Birds? I bet you do even if you don’t want to admit it. The simple game that we all have on our phone is taking over the world, one exploding bird at a time.

So it is with no surprise that the Angry Bird people decided to merge with one of the biggest toy franchises ever – Star Wars, to make an unstoppable force known as Angry Birds Star Wars.

As a dad blogger, I have been given the chance to review some toys and other products from Hasbro. It is very exciting and to be honest, I could not be cooler in the eyes of our three-year old son.

Yesterday the UPS truck pulled up and basically shut down our house. We had to open that box right away. I knew what it was, but my son did not. He looked like it was Christmas all over again.

Inside were three items, all from Hasbro and all Angry Birds Star Wars related.

I had agreed to do the review for Hasbro in advance of Star Wars Day on May the Fourth, as in May the Fourth be with you.

First we opened the box and I assessed what was inside. I had to check out what was good for a three-year old and what I had to hide for another day.

There was The Angry Birds™ Star Wars® Foam Flyer that was shaped like a Darth Vadar head. This was harmless and said for ages 3+.


The foam flyers cost around $9.99 and have four different characters.

We played with that for awhile by throwing it back and forth and at things to knock over. My son loves Angry Birds on my phone, so he was having a blast.

Then it was time for something else. The next item was The Angry Birds™ Star Wars® AT-AT Attack Battle Game.

Basically by looking at the box, you launched birds at an AT-AT until it fell down. How hard could that be right?

Well we opened it up and to my absolute delight (kidding), there were a lot of small pieces to set up and keep an eye on. Our seven-month old was lurking and he would love to eat the birds.

You basically set up the pieces like a Star Wars Jenga game and hope the slightest shake in the floor does not make everything crumble.


Now keep in mind the game said for ages 5+, so I knew my son would not be able to set it up. I, however had no idea it would be so hard for me to set up. It kept falling down and my wife kept laughing at me.

Finally, it was set. So my boy and I got back a few feet and started shooting the birds with the launcher. I have to say there is quite the learning curve. It took quite some time to knock it over.

But, my son LOVES IT. He was explaining how it worked to anyone who would listen.

So in the end, I did not really enjoy it that much because it was a pain to set up each time. But the game is not for me.

My son got hours of fun from it on the first day and I know as soon as he comes home from school today, we will have that game out.

Would I recommend it? Well, I think if you have an Angry Birds fan, it is a fun game. It is also cool how it incorporates Star Wars, a movie series and toy series I loved as a kid.

It retails for $39.99 which seems steep for me but as my wife said, it seems like the ideal gift for the grandparents to buy their grandson.

So there you have it. You get to play Angry Birds for real on your floor. It has everything you need except for the annoying bird noise every time you pull back the launcher.

May the Fourth Be With You.

Hasbro provided the toys to Like A Dad for review, the opinions expressed are solely those of Like A Dad and have not been influenced in any way.

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