Day 21: Angry Birds, Angry Birds, Angry Charlie


Good evening, I welcome you to your normally scheduled blog post. Day 21. The day I almost did the whole day from dawn til dusk. My wife thankfully made it home just in time to catch Harry before bed and now they are up doing bedtime.

But other than that, it was dad all day long today. My wife was up earlier than the birds for a work event and that meant I had to take care of her part of the morning. No biggie, it was just breakfast and getting Harry to school.

The worry was, he had a rough drop off on Monday, so we were interested to see how his mood was today. He was fine. Why?

Angry Birds.

The toys we got in the mail yesterday were still fresh in his head. Even to the point where the first thing he said when he got up today was, can we play with the Angry Birds?

Glad he liked them. Oh by the way, you can read my Angry Birds Star Wars review here.

Once he was off at school the day dialed down a bit. It was back to just my baby boy Charlie and me.

All the morning consisted of was a bath, dog walk and hanging out before lunch. We dined and then relaxed before the afternoon nap train left for the station.

Today was the first day Charlie slept in his crib from 1-4:30 pm. As my wife just said, that is what we call a transition.

So that opened up some time for me to catch up on some of the blog stuff I have been putting off. I updated Cuzoogle and Like A Dad, before moving on to other computer duties.

The sunny weather we were supposed to get never happened, so we were more than happy to stay inside most of the day.

After picking up Harry from school, it was right back to Angry Birds. We played many games of it on the floor before it was dinner time.

Around this time Charlie got pretty fussy for that time of day. His cheeks were pretty red so I think the teeth were shifting again.

After dinner it was more Angry Birds and this time there was a little Angry Charlie.

Yep, the mouth was bugging him and all that kept him from going postal was an empty box to play with. But in the end, he was bothered and too tired to keep going, so it was an early bedtime.

He is long gone to dreamland and so will Harry very soon.

So that was the day today. I can’t believe the first month of parental leave is already over. It moves fast. I better start to soak up the time before October is here.

That’s a wrap for today.


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