Amazing Before and After Recovery Stories

For anyone who has been through it, or know someone who has, addiction is devastating. It sucks away your health, limits personal potential, rips apart families and all too often claims lives.

What follows are images and stories of 10 remarkable individuals who have struggled with deeply entrenched addiction, and yet still made their way to sobriety.

I was flipping through and was amazed at the transformation.

To many, they are heroes who were able to get the help they needed to see the way out of the fog of active addiction. They have been able to reclaim their lives and relationships in the process. Please consider sharing these inspiring transformations and help other addicts and their families see that recovery is possible.



  1. Hey there,
    This is really nice! You have shared the best resources. we really liked the way you have mentioned every pearl of the community here.It would allow anyone to easily gain access and its Another long and interesting post. I know hard worked to prepare such a great piece by you. Learn many new things from your post.
    Thanks for the sharing this kind of information.

  2. Amazing recovery for sure.
    I would not have guessed that this is possible if you had not written about it.
    Addiction can really be a tough road for many people, and it is an inspiration for many to see that it is possible.
    Great job

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