As a parent who has just sent off our two boys to daycare, I was very interested to hear this story on CBC Information Morning today. It was about the cost of child care and how hard it is for parents today to actually pay for it.
So is the answer universal child care in Nova Scotia that makes this vital service accessible for all?
That is what Heather Avery thinks.
If you listen to the audio, we are living this exact story right now. We are basically working to pay for child care. A huge percentage of our monthly budget is now being spent on child care while we both work.
The cost is higher than our mortgage and some days has us questioning why both of us are actually working. Maybe it is cheaper for one parent to stay home?
This is backwards. Not only do the children benefit from being out of the home and learning social skills. But a parent who has the skills to work and wants to work, should be able to do so without just handing their whole pay cheque away each month.
What do parents do who can’t afford $35-40 per day, per child? They get family members to help out or they simply stay home.
The radio interview also touches on how child care workers are drastically underpaid and how child care should be viewed as part of the education system. I agree with Heather when she says the term “daycare” is just wrong. The men and women who look after our kids all day are trained professionals, not babysitters. Why not call it early education or something that sounds less demeaning.
I understand the other side of the story. Why should we have universal daycare? Is that not just asking for a hand out from the Government? What about those who don’t have kids and choose not to have kids. Why should they fund it?
Well if you do the research of where your tax dollars go, I am sure you will find several things on the list that you don’t feel you should pay for.
As the interview states, if parents don’t have to spend so much on child care, they can put that money into the economy, reduce debt and most importantly, be a part of the work force instead of letting talent sit on the sidelines.
I also can appreciate what Heather said about a parent who does take time to stay home. If that parent stays home for four years until their child is ready for school, how can that parent reenter the work force? They don’t have the skills anymore and a big hole on their resume that employers view as bad. Yep, taking care of kids is not considered working.
In Nova Scotia, why can’t children start organized school sooner? If we were living in Ontario, our son would be starting junior kindergarten.
Instead, here, he is still at daycare. He is ready for real school. He is practically reading. But instead in my opinion he is being left behind another year based on where he lives.
The story also talks about waiting lists and how hard it actually is to get into a quality daycare. We have been lucky to date. We have found spots when needed but there are facilities that have waiting lists that are years long. Years?
Canada is great in terms of helping out parents with a year of maternity or paternity leave. I am certainly not complaining.
But, as the leave ends and you having been living on less income, you instantly go to very high child care prices. How can you live?
For four to five years for each child, you are either not working and bringing in no money, or you are paying for child care and going deeper and deeper into debt.
I think child care is the best option for our kids. I admit, I would love to stay home with them. But that is not the best option for our family. We need two incomes. We need our kids to learn to be social and what is like to go to school.
It is a very frustrating topic and one that is not discussed by politicians at all.
Like the story mentioned, there are so many parents in this situation, that if it became a platform topic, it would drive people to vote with a particular party.
I don’t think parents want a free handout and want government to fully subsidize child care, but a bigger percentage would go a long way.
I don’t think enough non-parents actually realize how much money people spend on child care. It is disgusting at how crippling it can be to a family. Even one that has two incomes that are about average.
But we all make it work some how because that is what parents do. We do whatever it takes to give our kids the best.
Now we just need those in government to give us a hand and make child care more universal.
Let’s pay the hard-working men and women who look after our kids much more. Let’s make the early education of our kids a priority.
Let’s help take a lot of the stress of being a parent of young children away.
That is what I think.
How about you?
ABSOLUTELY! Canada does well dealing with the first year of a child’s life. We have good maternity/paternity leave. But when that comes to an end? Canada/Nova Scotia does very little. Here’s the thing – we are a dwindling population. We NEED parents to be having more children. But parents can’t afford it. And while investing in childcare (or even supporting women who choose to stay at home with children) seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars in the short term, it will lead to parents not being scared to have more children and in the long run, it will hopefully lead to a baby boom that will eventually reinvigorate our close-to-bankrupt economy.
I love that my kids are in daycare. I love what they learn there. I love seeing them grow and flourish. BUT. My husband wants another child. My paycheque will not even cover three children in daycare. It is a necessary expense but one we struggle to afford.
Laura, I hate that money is the leader in many child related discussions. It is just wrong. For so many reasons, it needs to be a bigger topic when it comes to who we vote for.
They keep saying the young are the ones who scare politicians if they actually vote.
Well parents are a pretty scary bunch when it comes to what is best for their kids.
Let’s look out for the future leaders of our great country when they are 1,2,3 and 4.
I agree that having universal child care would be great. The biggest trouble I see getting it off the ground is that the Province will not likely see and return on investment for 20+ years, and governments typically can’t think outside of 2-4 year periods at a time.
Sorry, ‘..will not likely see A return…”
Chris, totally. If it ever happens, our kids will not benefit. It would take years. But it has to start somewhere. The current system is just not working.