Tuesday morning. Everything back to normal. We all survived the May long weekend. My wife took the boys to Toronto for what was to be a girl’s weekend/visit with Nana/work trip. Just the thought of everything my wife was going to do once I dropped them off at the airport made me tired.
While she was being supermom, I was going to be at home, by myself. Did not seem fair. I was going to get to sleep in, have relaxing time and take care of few chores that have been piling up.
The obvious downside for me was I would not get to spend time with the family on a weekend that is traditionally that unofficial start to summer.
Well, not in Halifax it wasn’t.
The weather was more like November. Frost warnings, cold rain and I even had to turn the heat back on. Meanwhile in Toronto it was warm enough for shorts.
So what did I get up to with all my free time? Well I had a list and I am happy to admit that I pretty much cleared it out.
This is what I did with free time:
- cleaned out the fridge
- organized the garage
- lowered crib, tightened bolts on glider and bunk bed
- watched Iron Man 3
- caught up on Justified
- took back all the beer bottles
- went grocery shopping
- did a general tidy of the house
- bought new shoes
- built a Lego version of the U.S.S. Enterprise
- cleaned the inside of the car
- cut the grass
- weeded the garden and continued building the rock wall
- organized my papers and bills
- wrote a few blog posts for other websites
- wiped down the main floor floors
I have to say, it felt good to do all that. It is amazing what can pile up when you have a busy family and kids to keep you entertained.
Yesterday afternoon, it was great to finally pick up the kids and my wife at the airport. Harry was so excited to see me, he tripped running through the doors.
Everyone was happy to be home. Everyone looked wiped. Except for me of course.
Back to life, back to reality.