Day 35: A Return To Normal

day35-1With a holiday in Canada yesterday, I was not working the PL shift. The family got back in town yesterday afternoon and we slowly moved back into normal mode.

Today was the start of a new week and that meant school for Harry. We could not figure out if he was excited or not after an extra long weekend in Toronto. He said he wanted to go and then would turn around and say he wanted to stay home. Tough, he was going.

I was home with Mr. tired baby boy. Today was probably the easiest day as a parent ever. He slept most of the day recovering from his first trip out of province.

He slept for two hours after breakfast and then almost five hours after lunch.

So what did I do with all that time? I did some blogging, some other work on the computer, played with new Iron Man toys and prepped for a smokey dinner on the Big Green Egg.

I also did a lot of laundry and caught up on Game of Thrones.

Charlie, when he was awake, seemed like he had a lot more energy and moves than he had pre-weekend. He was playing with two toys at once and was very animated and jumpy.

Of course, he still had his killer smile going. My wife and I were saying he seems to be going through his puffy stage where his head looks inflated. Our first son had this happen also but he was 10 months, not 7 months.

I also experienced my first ever pee in the air on the change table. Talk about throwing a no-hitter for many years eh?

Charlie had a bath, reconnected with his toys and had a blast in his ExerSaucer. We did get outside for a dog walk but the weather was pretty crappy overall.

Back to those Iron Man toys. They were supposed to come weeks ago as the movie was to premiere. But sadly, FedEx lost them somehow and I feel lucky to even end up getting them.

Well Harry LOVED them. An Iron Man figure, a car and a full-sized helmet that lights up and shoots rockets. I will be doing a full post on those tomorrow.

Harry also is starting to think new toys come every day since Star Trek stuff and Iron Man stuff came just days apart.

He will be bummed when the FedEx guy does not come tomorrow.

For dinner I cooked pork burgers, smoked corn on the cob (in the husks) and sweet tator wedges.

The weather was crap but the dinner felt like summer.

Today was a good day and it was nice getting back into the routine.

Both boys tomorrow, bring it I say.