First thought about the topic of this post based on the title? Ah I know what you are thinking and you are close. I am referring to a certain game of thrones called potty training.
But instead of the messy details of poop and pee, I am referring to the difference between potty training kid two and kid one.
Anyone who knows us, knows the story of potty training our first son. The story has reached legendary status as it includes the grand prize of my Big Green Egg. I am not here to rehash that major achievement on my dad resume. I am here to talk about the process of potty training our youngest, who is 29 months and counting.
The first time, we did a 3-day hardcore bootcamp that I have written about before. It was a grand success. Harry came home from daycare on a Friday and went back on a Tuesday, pretty much trained.
This time, the process has been reversed and Katie and I are playing catch up. Our daycare is awesome. We love everything about it. They even take on the task of potty training. This is the first daycare we have gone to that does this. Amazing.
The trick is, while they are having success with Charlie, when he comes home, he has no interest in continuing. Before, it was the focus for a weekend and it was “easier” because it was all that was on the agenda. Now, we don’t know how to fit it into our daily routine.
Charlie is not a big talker yet, so it makes it hard for us to pick up on when he needs to go. He also seems to really like falling back into diaper mode when at home. A power play for sure.
Before we got rid of all diapers and never went back. Now, it’s a mish mash of diapers and underwear. Charlie is doing great. They are pretty proud of him at school and of course we are as well. It’s on us now to make it all happen at home.
Treats worked the first time around as rewards. This time, Charlie is much younger and does not understand that the treats are a reward for doing something. He just wants to get treats, no questions asked. Picture him climbing up on the toilet and calling it a day, waiting for a treat. Then we there is no treat, he has a freak out. We have to revisit this idea I think.
Now we go with books or even video games to keep his interest while on the toilet.
The first time around it was on a weekend and I stayed home literally for three days. But with daycare and all the going in and out of the house, it’s hard to fit the toilet training in. There have been accidents and it can make for a messy or stinky walk home.
Harry has been doing his best as big brother to help. He asks Charlie if he wants to go and even shows him what to do. It’s pretty cute.
Number two is a work in progress and we just have to figure out a plan and stick with it. I think Charlie is going to pick it up fast, his parents just need to do the work.
I have to say, I am pretty excited to be done with diapers. So many different motivations. The most important being the next stage of boyhood for our Charlie.
For parents with at least two kids, did you find a difference potty training each? What were some of the challenges?
I delight in, lead to I discovered just what I used to
be taking a look for. You have ended my four day lengthy
hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye