Day 6: Sleeping Off A Late Night Of Hoops And Charlie

day6-1As I said, one week is in the can. One week down 26 to go on this gig they call parental leave.

Today was pretty much the laziest day yet since leaving work. Two reasons. Late night hoops and good ol’ Charlie boy.

Last night I was up until the wee hours of the morning watching my Michigan Wolverines lose a close one in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Final.

It was after 1:30 am by the time I made it into bed. It was hard getting to sleep with “One Shining Moment” in your head but I got there.

Then less than 30 minutes later, Charlie started to sputter, warming up for full-on eruption. What? I thought we had made it past this stage. Oh well. Before he exploded with annoyance, I was up and had him in my arms. He was unhappy and soaked and I am sure was hungry.

I am sure I could have taken him down to the basement and wrestled him back to sleep, but I had just left the couch from where I had been sitting all night. By body could not take sleeping there until morning.

So I put together a bottle rocket and launched Charlie into a state of sleep once again. I did feel bad due to his wetness but a diaper change would have meant he was awake for much longer.

So the bottle went down and so did he. Ah sleep, my friend once again.

We both were awake around 7 am and started the day. The weather could not make up its mind, so there would not be a whole lot going on if it did rain.

Here is the song that was in my head all day.

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After nap, we did a carrier walk with the dog to get the mail. This was more of a test of the weather for a much longer walk I wanted to do. It was not bad. I was pretty warm in just a sweater.

So we went on our much longer stroller walk to the bank. Of course half way there it got pretty cold. But I had Charlie bundled up pretty good and he had one of his classic stroller naps.

The rest of the day (at least until Katie got home) was L-A-Z-Y. We both napped most of the afternoon and I do feel somewhat better.

Now what I need is a full night’s sleep, if Charlie would be so generous.

The forecast is calling for snow later in the week. Can you believe it?

I also had a fun time with Harry before dinner which will be a whole other post at some point. We have been decorating his room the last few days, so when it is ready, I will share.

Anyways, that is boring Day 6 in a nutshell. Both boys tomorrow and the car, so there will be much greater adventures to report tomorrow.

Before I post a few photos from the day, I wanted to let you know I post many more over on Like A Dad’s Instagram page. Check it out and follow.


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