Day 18: Cribs, Money And Chicken

day18-1You know the drill. This is where I tell you how the day went as I travel through time and space as a stay-at-home dad.

Today was an exciting day. It seemed much more official that the parental leave was on. My money hit my account. Employment Insurance is flowing. This dad was able to pay some bills.

As some may not know, in Canada, when on parental leave, we receive 55% of our salary. It will be tough sledding, but it is better than nothing.

So with cash in hand so-to-speak, today was also a transition day for Charlie.

Up until now, all his naps have been in his swing which is situated smack in the middle of our house. It works like a charm, but it pretty much shuts down everything around him. This includes my desk and computer. This makes it hard to get anything done.

So we decided since Charlie sleeps pretty well in his crib overnight, it was time to move all sleeping to the crib. Easier said than done. Our little baby boy loves his swing. Hell, we love that swing. It is auto-matic!

After a normal morning where we went out to enjoy some sun, it was time to take care of business.

I gave him the 1 pm bottle and it was time.

First I had to get him somewhat dozy with cuddle time and then the transfer.

It went okay. He was not against it. I left and felt like I had done good. Then….well… know what happened.

He was m-a-d.

The next three hours was a combination of napping for 20 minutes and then being loud and mad and then the same over and over.

So, the good news, he was in his crib for what would be his normal nap. But he was pretty angry and tired at the end of it all. So tomorrow, we do it all again and in a few days, the new routine will sink in like it has with everything else so far.

Once Katie was home, it was time to relax with a little smoking on the deck. No, not that kind of smoking, I am referring to meat.

I had some chicken thighs sitting with dry rub all over them for the afternoon. I will post the recipe another time, but let’s just say, this chicken was great.

I just got Harrison to bed and now it is time to take a break for an hours or so, go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow.

All-in-all, a very good day indeed. Bring it on Friday.


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