Good evening, pardon me if this post is brief as my brain is gassed. Today was not hard by any means, but Harrison ran my tank dry. Not that he did anything that bad, it was just his inability to be patient about anything that was very draining.
The ironic thing was, the cartoon we watched this morning called “Mike The Knight” was all about being patient. Guess Harry missed the moral of the story. Anyways, that was what we worked on today and it was trying at times.
The good news, Boys 2 Man (us) went to the mall and had a productive trip. Everything we set out to do, was taken care of. We also took over one of the couches for snack and bottle time. Again, like last time, I felt a lot of eyes on us like we were a zoo exhibit. Thankfully as we were nearing the end, we saw another dad with a stroller and kid. Nice to know I am not alone in this.
The Dollar Store is turning out to be a gold mine for kids. Today’s purchases were a spider-man car, plastic golf clubs and sidewalk chalk. All of which got used today.
Oh yah, there is a baby in all this. He was a piece of cake compared to Harry.
We came home, had lunch and naps.
Later on we had a lot of outside time as the weather broke 10 Celsius for the first time. Soccer, chalk and other fun games outside. Great way to burn off energy. Oh and to tire dad out even more. I did have the Egg fired up for some brats though so that was fun.
The funny part of Harry being very impatient was that it was testing my patience. The constant nagging questions about being able to do something I already said no to or to wait for. He gets like that when he is tired mostly. Hopefully a big sleep tonight will help. Also tomorrow is a school day so he will get to see his friends.
Other highlights of today: Charlie is almost a full-on sitter.
Anyways, thanks for listening and thanks to all who commented on my post yesterday. It received a lot of attention.
Until tomorrow, good night and good luck.
Off to watch Survivor.
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