Day 116: Orientation Week Is Going To Be Hardest On……



Daycare orientation week is going to be hardest on ME!

Yep, forget the kids, they are going to love going to a new school. The person I am worried about is me. My time at home with the boys is coming to an end.

Today was our first trip to the new daycare. This week is a gradual introduction for Charlie and by Friday he will be going for a full day.

I have been with the little guy every day for six months and it is going to be hard to let that go.

Harrison will be starting at the new daycare next week but he got to check out his new class today as well. Let’s just say he loved it.

We packed up and left for the school just after 9 am today. The agenda was to go for an hour with me staying in the baby room with Charlie.

Tomorrow, it will be two hours and I leave for one.

So while Harrison played in his new class, I hung out in the baby room and got the staff up to speed on Charlie.

It was great to see where he will be and who will be taking care of him. It was also interesting to see that Charlie (who is not 1 yet) is already on the biggest (if not the biggest) kids in the class.

He blended in and was having a great time for about half the time. Then the lack of a morning nap kicked in and he was not happy.

Harrison, well he could not of cared if I was there or not. He played and played and played and met some new kids who he seemed to already bond with.

All he was saying when we left was how excited he was to go back.

How was dad? Well I survived. It was only an hour and I knew I was getting to bring them both home for the day. It will only get tougher as the week goes on.

I think Charlie and I are going to have some moments of separation anxiety.

The good news, the boys had a lot of fun and I am pretty convinced they will love their new school.

Once home, the day has been pretty normal. Playing, lunch and naps and it gave me a chance to catch up on last night’s intense Breaking Bad.

Now I need to do some preparation for tomorrow as Charlie needs a bunch of stuff packed up for his locker.

And so it begins…..

Here they are in the car before we left.



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