Day 112: Trying To Keep The Bomb From Going Off


What bomb you ask? Well I call it the Charlie Bomb. You see, our little baby is sick. He has a fever and he is grumpy. I am not 100% sure if it is the fever or the fact that he is not as hungry that is making him less than happy.

If you can believe it, this is my first time playing doctor on my parental leave. Yes, we have pretty healthy kids.

The timing is pretty good however, as Charlie starts his new daycare next week (orientation). So it is best to unleash germs at him now because as any parent who has started a new daycare knows, the kid will be sick in 10 seconds. All those new kids and their lovely germs. Can’t wait.

But don’t feel bad for me. This is not a Hurt Locker situation. I don’t have to creep up on Charlie wondering if he will blow. He is pretty good at keeping somewhat happy. He just has moments of being fed up with feeling like ass. Who doesn’t?

What makes the whole scene even more enjoyable is that I have a sidekick. A nurse. A cheerleader.

I am referring to Harrison of course.

His mature ways of dealing with Charlie are amazing to me. He is already a parent.

He looks after his brother and does it in a way that we never had to teach him.

He talks quietly, he is attentive and he shares love.

What more could you ask of from anyone let alone a 3-year old.

Harrison has been hugging him, feeding him and of course trying to make Charlie laugh. It works and it makes my day that much easier.

Of course there are times that Harrison returns to being a typical preschooler and goes a little crazy. Trying to keep a slow-moving and sick baby happy and a high-energy kid who wants to play entertained at the same time is a challenge.

So far I have been winning.

My wife gave me some good advice early in the day when I had already dealt with four meltdowns.

She said, make it a PJ and movie day – Who cares, we need to get Charlie better.

So despite it being a beautiful day in Halifax, we called it. Pyjamas and a movie it was.

Oh and popcorn of course.

So now that it is beaming sunlight into our house, everything is quiet. The boys are napping and I am catching my wind for the next wave of parenting.

Hopefully we can get outside later.

The issue there is, the front wheel of our big stroller broke yesterday. So that makes going too far hard. Charlie is pretty big for the umbrella stroller and it does not do so well on gravel.

So, I did a DIY on the stroller with super glue and duct tape. Talk about living my “like a dad” title.

We will see how it stands up later on a short run to the mail box. I hope it holds. We are not buying a new stroller at this point in the game.

So that is where I stand on Day 112.

The end is near. I am kind of sad about it.

Next week Charlie starts his orientation at daycare. Where the hell did the time go?

As for now, I am just going to enjoy every moment with both boys at home even if one of them is grumpy and sick.

Until tomorrow, that is life on the PL for now.

Photo of the Day





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