Video: Walking To #Kumon

A new year, time to continue the Kumon train. Harry has been thriving since he started the Kumon program and as I have posted about, he hit a big goal just before the holidays.

Kumon was closed over the holidays but we were given a stack of workbooks to keep up busy. Harry did most of them, but it was good to give him a break as well. His interest level in reading is over the moon. It’s actually hard to get him to put a book down and focus on what he is supposed to be doing.

Last night as we went to Kumon, I thought it would be fun to take a short video where I ask Harry a few questions about his experience.

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It may be a bit hard to hear with street traffic, but the point that you should hear is that he loves going. Numerous times he has talked about how his favourite part is how quiet it is to do work. I can understand that as home is noisy especially when you have a little brother who wants to be around you all the time.

I also learned that Harry wants to do more videos about new topics. Looks like I have found another YouTube star in the making?


  1. Never heard about Kumon before. Your son is adorable, I bet that those videos will be a really cool memento in few years 🙂 I wish there were videos of me as a kid!

  2. nice your blog i fan your blog
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