Good morning all, I hope you had a great weekend. I also hope the time change did not mess you up at all. Here I hardly noticed it. I was telling the kids, with so many automatic changing clocks now, I wonder how many people would not even know the time changed if the news did not talk about it all week leading up.
It’s March Break in our house this week and in past years there would be a lot of plans made to entertain the boys. But now they are older, there are less plans and fewer reasons to be out and about each day. But, with the weather forecast looking like early summer, that could change. Makes you wonder, where was winter in Toronto this year?
I think this is the first winter I can ever remember where I didn’t really put away the backyard for winter. I have not bought any salt for dealing with ice. I think the shovel was used twice and it wasn’t even really needed. No giant plows going down the street. It was quite tame compared to what other parts of Canada had.
Toronto did not have winter. Now, while that is a positive for the enjoyment of life (if you hate the snow and cold), it’s not a great sign for the future. If you are not thinking about climate change, a winter like this will make you. Are we going to have spring for a few weeks in April and move right to a stuffy summer? I would not be surprised.
Later this week, the forecast says 16C and sunny. That is crazy for mid-March.
Like, we did not have to buy extra gloves, no checking if snow pants fit, we did not even get the sleds out, there were no building snowmen, there were no snow days (or even the over-hype and worry of potential snow days). There was no media discourse about snow clearing, no news clips of cars getting stuck, and not one photo op of Doug Ford helping to shovel out local cars. It was such a non winter.
Now there are already buds on the trees and the greenery is thinking it’s time to start popping out.
This is easily the most mild winter I can remember living in either Ontario or Nova Scotia. Is it just a blip due to the El Nino, or is this going to become more of the normal? Funny that if we still lived in Halifax, we would have had plenty of snow.
While I don’t mind that if this is what winter is now, it’s not great in terms of where the planet is heading. I would feel much better if we had a few dumps of snow. A week or so of bone-chilling temperatures. Instead this week, there will be patios open all over the city.
Does this non winter have you concerned or should we all just enjoy not having to shovel snow and freeze our asses off?
I will admit, tomorrow when it feels like a warm spring day, I won’t be thinking much about why it’s a bad thing the winter great is all but put away already.