This morning I woke up around 6:45, waiting for the 3-year old to come down the hall to start the day. It never happened. In fact, it did not happen until just before 8am. What a treat.
What was even a bigger treat was that our 2-month old was still sleeping and had been sleeping since before midnight. 8 hours sleep almost.
I was under the assumption that this was the first over night sleep for Charlie, but he had one a few weeks ago. Anyways, it was the longest and that is that.
It is always an exciting feeling when the baby starts to sleep through the night. Not only do you get to have a good sleep but it is a sign you are moving forward.
Just a quick note. I usually get a good night’s sleep every night. This was a much more joyous occasion for my wife who did not have to get up and feed. If only there was footage of her fist pump this morning.
So two kids slept all night and let us sleep until 8am. Can we order that every day please?
Well, I just screwed up the future by saying it. Yep, you watch, tonight will be rough. Thanks blog.
I was trying to remember how early Harrison started sleeping through the night but of course can’t. My wife says it seems pretty close. Now we just have to see how often.
It was an ideal situation. Charlie had not slept much all night until bed so it was more of a catch up than a normal sleep.
It is currently 2pm in the afternoon, snow is coming down and of course, both kids are again sleeping. Easily one of the best parts of the day.