It has been awhile since I shared some of my Big Green Egg cooking with you. I recently got my Egg back and have cooked a few tasty meals on it. One of my favourite things to smoke are chicken wings. I used to put wings in the category of food I would rather order out, but since getting the Egg, wings at home are great.
I was going to type out a recipe for you, but one I have followed before is from this video. It’s way more entertaining than reading, and when it comes to smoked meat, a visual makes you so much more hungry.
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This method will show you how to make delicious juicy chicken wings with crispy skin and a awesome smoke flavour. This is a great way to cook wings on any smoker, letting the drippings vaporize on the hot coals adding moisture and a exceptional flavour that everyone will love.
I usually will use my plate for indirect heat, but this way sure adds more smoke. You just have to be careful of burning the wings, so keep the fire low.
The other difference I did from this video is I had wings that were already cut. I have never been a fan of the tips. What are your thoughts?
Perfect for a Sunday of football.
What is your favourite meal to cook on the Big Green Egg?
Thanks to the guys of the Backyard BBQ Show.
Gallery of Big Green Egg Meals