Happy Canada Day! As a proud Canadian I will be out celebrating the day with my family and not sitting at the computer. Don’t worry, I planned ahead.
I asked the Dad bloggers of the world what they thought of when they heard the word “Canada”, and surprisingly I got a lot of great answers. I was expecting the usual ones like bacon, cops on horses and everyone says eh.
So before you head out to enjoy your own Canada Day, check out what these dad bloggers had to say about the great country I live in.
What comes to mind when you think of Canada?
Carter Gaddis of Dadscribe
Oh, Canada before a Blue Jays game. SkyDome open on a bright, crisp September Sunday afternoon. The autumn shadows of the CN Tower and the open roof creeping across the field, inning by inning. That’s my Canada. I miss it.
Ricky Shetty of Daddy Blogger
Canada – my home, my native land, my country of birth, my country of residence, the place I call home, one of the most beautiful countries on the planet.
Christopher Drew of Modern Man Of The Cloth
Canada – my home and the best place to raise my children. We strive to be polite, kind and welcoming to all. Plus we make the best beer, coffee and maple syrup around!
Concretin’ Nik of Dad Labs
I imagine Canada as a friendlier place(than the US), though I’ve never been(to Canada). So I don’t know what I’m talking aboot.
Dan Hughes of Cabbage Dan
The TV Show Due South. I’m assuming all you guys are like that right?
Roland Cox II
Canada is the icing on the cake for North America. It tops off the USA.
Ryan Costello of Dad Creek Without A Paddle
The place that gave me moose milk ice cream when I was 10. That was when planes couldn’t fly uk-Florida without stopping there for fuel. I’m still not sure if it was a lie. Does moose milk ice cream even exist?
Larry D. Bernstein of Me, Myself and Kids
Will the Flyers ever win another cup?
Mark Vander Ley of Parenting Boys Raising Men
I think of a childhood trip to Butchart gardens in Victoria BC especially getting sick on the ferry
John Kinnear
Canada has a lot of holidays.
Jay Sokol of The Dude of the House
I always think of seeing “Boxing Day (Canada)” on calendars as a kid and wondering if Canadians put criminals in boxes or if people randomly fight each other on that day. And I think of the old Montreal Expos logo.
Jeff Bogle of Out With the Kids
Canada (Quebec) is the France I can drive to.
Dennis Daniel
Far North Texas?
Adam Dolgin of Fodder 4 Fathers
Canada, home of hockey, really big football fields, and exporter of some of the greatest comedian’s in the world. It may be cold, but we’re such a warm group everyone loves us.
Scott Behson of Fathers, Work and Family
Really kick-ass National anthem
Aaron Gouveia of The Daddy Files
Terrance & Phillip. With their flapping heads and beady eyes!!
Barmy Rootstock of I’ve Become My Parents
Canada is my new home. I think diversity, quality education (came from California and my son would be in private school there–no need here in Vancouver), I think wilderness, I think bears walking down my street in the summer, I think rain–but the good kind–the kind you can go out an play in, not the stormy windy blustery stuff. I think safe neighborhood and friendly neighbors. I think surfing in the morning and skiing in the afternoon (OK, that’s probably just here in Vancouver).
Thanks for all of the great answers dads.
I will leave you with this.
Happy Canada Day all.