Video: A Comparison Of First Food Moments

Last night, we gave Charlie his first food that did not come from a boob. Rice cereal of course and he seemed to enjoy it.

I took some video because it is one of those “first” moments you want to have.

Of course, it got me thinking back to Harrison’s first food moment and thanks to the wonder of YouTube, I have it to compare.

Harrison’s first food video had a lot more production value. You see, it was after we had just watched the Canada-USA Gold medal game in 2010. If you watch the video you will see fireworks in the background because, well we won.

Harrison’s moment also came about a month later in his life, so he was way more into it.

Harry was Feb. 28th, 2010 (being born in Sept.)

Charlie’s was Feb. 10th, 2013 (being born in Oct.)

The reason? He is a much bigger kid and is eating a lot more. My wife can’t keep up so we are seeing if some cereal will help fill that belly.

Anyways, here are the two videos.

You will also notice one is Raptors and one is Toronto FC.

A comparison of first food moments


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