Day 38: A New Format For The Daily Dish


Well I am supposed to be sharing with you what I did on Friday. Seems like so long ago right? Well when you are on the PL, you get behind due to kids, being tired and all around disinterest with sitting at the computer.

I have been doing the daily posts for over 30 days now and have started to wonder if people find them boring? I mean, it is just 300-400 words on what I did that day. Nothing exciting for most. Short of my wife and family, not many will feel like they need to read the post every day.

Now if the boys and I do something fun and out of the ordinary, that is worth it. But for most days, it is just a list of changing diapers, making lunch and how I fill the time while the boys sleep.

So, I am going to combine two formats and make a new daily post format.

The first is the Daily Dime the I ready every day on ESPN. It is basically the 10 things you need to know from the night before. Best player, photo of the night etc.

I am also going to combine it with Harrison’s current favourite show, Busy Town.

Every episode, they have a song called “who, where, why, what”, that they sing before solving a mystery.

So, I am going to have my own daily dime which will cover the headings: who, where, why and what. I will also add a photo of the day at the bottom and a favorite link, tweet or other from the world of dad blogging.

I think this format will keep things interesting for new readers and keep the dedicated readers happy.

So here goes for last Friday, which was Day 38 on the PL.

Who: Charlie

The guy is becoming a machine when it comes to sleep. On Friday, he slept for almost six hours before my wife got home. We have really drilled a routine into him and he loves it. I remember just a short time ago, it was so hard to get him to go to sleep. It was one of my least favourite things. Now, you can basically put him in the crib, close the door and go about your day. He will wake up when he is supposed to and keep on going. No swing needed.

Where: Around the Neighbourhood

The weather was pretty dark, rainy and cool, so we did not venture too far away from the house. We did get out for a mail/dog walk and picked Harrison up at school. This May weather has been pretty crappy. But then again, that is pretty normal for Halifax.

Why: Pizza Meltdown

So Friday was my first try at cooking pizzas on the Big Green Egg. I had the pizzas put together and the Egg heating up. Sadly the weather was very windy which made getting the temp up as high as I want hard. I cooked the first pizza on the plate setter and that seemed to work fine. Then when I switched pizzas and I lost the heat and it was hard to get it back. So I decided to get rid of the plate setter and put pizza number 2 on the grill. Well that was a bad idea as it burnt the bottom. The rest of the pizza was fine but all you could taste was burnt dough. So I was 50/50 on the pizza making. Why I decided to do that? No idea.

What: Iron Man Toys

It was Day 3 of Iron Man toys and I have to say Harrison was still in love. As soon as he got up he had Iron Man with him for breakfast. As soon as he got home, it was right back to Iron Man. I am pretty happy I got a chance to get those toys to review. He loves them.

Photo of the Day

The pizza that was not burnt.


From the Internet

One Good DadWrestling With Fatherhood

Realizing that I wasn’t going to get any work done anyway, and being attentive to my son’s need, I closed the laptop and set it aside. Then, I cleared a space on the floor and looked at him and said, “Let’s go.” Those words mean one thing in my house — a wrestling match. My son loves to wrestle more than anything else and I knew it would make his day.


    • thanks, yeah the idea is the egg can get up to a high enough temp that it is like a brick oven. I need to try it again.

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