Yep, this is real. This staying home to take care of the kids is a thing. No turning back now. The wife seems pretty happy to be at work and coming home to cooked meals and tired boys.
So as you read, Day 1 was a success. Every lived, nothing burned down and I still managed to get dinner ready before 10pm.
So what do we do for an encore? We add another kid into the mix. Yep, Monday’s and Wednesday’s Harrison stays home from school. So today was my first day with both boys, alone, all day long (son).
Right now I am typing quietly from the bedroom as the two boys sleep away the afternoon. It is the only break in the day where I can catch up on blogging, housework and whatever else I need to do. The weather has been very winter-like today, so that has made for some creative parenting since all Harry wants to do is play in his sandbox.
Ever since the snow has melted, the sandbox has been asked about every day. Oh come on spring.
Sidenote: The volume on my computer is up downstairs and as I was chatting with someone on Facebook, the beep kept going off (right next to the baby sleeping). I kept on chatting!! Now that is a dad living on the edge.
Okay back to the post at hand.
Day 2 has been all about balance. Keeping both kids somewhat happy and not letting either spiral into an uncontrolable hissy-fit.
So far, so good on that front.
We did painting at the table. We read books, we had naps, we watched some TV and we went for a cold, cold walk. At least there were Garbage trucks all over the place to keep Harry happy.
Then we Skyped with the Grandparents. My mum and dad had a great time cyber-visiting with the boys. In fact they are coming to visit us next week for a few days. That will be fun.
Before lunch, Charlie was really fussy and ended up having a little doze. I was worried he would mess up his routine of a long afternoon nap but so far so good.
We ate lunch and played for a bit and then it was nap time. Charlie first. That was easy. Harry was next. One book and he was done.
There you have it. For the last few hours I have been catching up on writing and chatting with a few people. All from the second floor. Sure I miss sitting at my desktop and having photoshop, but it is not worth it if the baby wakes up.
So you get words and you will just have to be happy with that.
The photos, I can add later on so check back in for the end of day wrap.
Update 8:06 pm local time:
I’m back and kid wise, the day is over. Charlie went to sleep easier than finding a Tim Horton’s in Canada.
So what were the rest of the day’s highlights?
Well after both kids were up, we played and had quite the dance party in the living room. I think that tired Harry out big time. When Katie got home she joined right in.
Charlie was a volcano today. Every little while he would erupt and usually all over someone.
We had soup and sandwich for dinner and Harry ate A LOT. I think that boy is hitting a growth spurt.
As I said, both kids are out and it is time to unwind. Blogging and Survivor is the plan.
Day 2 is pretty much in the books and it was another fun one. Katie keeps asking me if I am having fun with the boys all day. I am, I am I am. I know, you are supposed to ask. Don’t worry, it is a lot of fun and I would not trade it for anything.
Random thought: Go Michigan.
Tomorrow is going to be a challenge. Katie is not coming home until much later, so on top of a full day, I will have the kiddies for dinner and bed time all to myself. Hmmmm I can do it. Not much choice.
See you on the flip side.