On Sunday, Feb. 3rd, the biggest game of the year will take place. I am referring to Super Bowl XLVII of course.
The Baltimore Ravens will take on the San Francisco 49ers. If you want to know about the actual game, well I know you can find that in five seconds somewhere. I am not here to focus on that.
With the Super Bowl, there is the week long lead up, the commercials, the food, the 56 hour pre-game show, the monster halftime show and of course, there is the actual game.
Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, predictions, betting and all around opinion time. There are only two teams, you have a 50/50 shot.
Since I have access to a huge group of awesome dad bloggers, I threw out the simple question, who do you think will win the Super Bowl.
Here are the responses. I want to see yours as well.
Owner of Dad On The Run – Ravens 26-Niners 16
Michael Moebes – The Alabama Crimson Tide 35-7
Matt Peregoy of The Real Matt Daddy – Ravens 24-Niners 13
Mike E. Henderson of The Gizzard Stone – Niners 57-Ravens 1
David Stanley – Niners 31-Ravens 24
Todd Reed – Niners 35-Ravens 27
Scott Behson of Fathers, Work and Family – Ravens 28-Niners 24
Mark Jones of Did You Just Call Me Dad? – Ravens 31-Niners 17
Chris Read of Canadian Dad – Niners 28-Ravens 27
Bryan Ferguson 0f 8BitDad – Niners 38-Ravens 10
Tim Chan of Tim and Olive – Niners 24-Ravens 17
Carter Gaddis of DadScribe – Niners 23-Ravens 10
Ande Davis of & Squatch Makes 3 – Niners 35-13
Michael Cusden of Like a Dad – Ravens 27-20
What is your prediction, let us know on Facebook and I will add you to the list.
Not bold enough for that, well use the comments below and start an argument of your own. I personally want to see the movie-story of Ray Lewis play out with a title.
That is all.
Ravens 24-Niners 14