Building Legos – Like A Dad


We picked up some large Lego for our 3-year old yesterday because his new love is building stuff. The box of Jenga pieces we gave him a few weeks ago was not cutting it anymore.

Ever since getting home, it has been endless building for over a day now. Yes it was fun initially, but constant building can get boring when you are a dad. But not the boy. He could build, eat, sleep and build again.

So far we have built what he would like to call a police station, construction year, hospital and school.

This morning, we had to get creative to keep the fun alive. So we combined the Lego with the Jenga and whatever else we could find to make a multi-garage super creation.

As you will see, we were able to make parking for a police car, fire truck and an ambulance. Booya.


Now that is building son.

Other previous builds before the lego, were very large towers and even a library.

Note to us, we need to get this kid more lego very soon.

What does your kid like to build with and what do they build? Like a Dad wants to hear. We are on Facebook and Twitter.



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