Day 65: Halifax Bringing The Heat

The PL stands for Parental Leave, which I am currently doing for six months.

Well that was a hot day. Halifax welcomed summer yesterday after what seemed like a week of dismal rain. The temp in the house read in the high 20’s all day yesterday and that made for some uncomfortable moments. Now, my wife and I grew up in Southern Ontario, so  we know that yesterday’s weather was not that hot. Nova Scotia for the most part offers a breeze. In Toronto or most of SW Ontario, the air just sits there and feels thick and it gets into the low 40’s.

But our Maritime born kids were feeling the heat for sure. Harrison came home from school looking like he just had a shower. Our 9-month old slept like a blob of pudding as he tried to keep cool. But hey, that is summer right? I like the heat and for the most part NS is the perfect mix of hot days and cool nights.

Day 65 of parental leave must have been boring if all I have to talk about is the weather. Well, there was more.

Who: Charlie

Charlie is the feature player most days as I spend all my time with him. I see all his moves and wants and changes. His most latest change is more teeth coming in and his high interest in being on the move. He has almost mastered the bum to crawl move. His one leg keeps getting in the way. But he just has this look of crawling is very, very close. He is rocking back and forth, just trying to figure out that last little step. Look out everyone. He is also doing a lot of waving. Waving at everything but people. Waving  at the ceiling fan, waving at the kitchen and waving and the wall. It is pretty funny.

Where: Cottage

Next Tuesday we leave for the cottage. Now we went there last year, so I know the lay of the land. Harrison will remember it. Charlie on the other hand, this will be his first cottage experience. It will also be our first family trip where all of us stay in the same room. There will be some bedtime challenges for sure. I have been giving Harrison a warning all week that we will all be in the same room and that means he has to be quiet to let Charlie sleep. Last year, when it was the three of us, it worked out pretty good. I am not that worried for the four of us as over all both boys are great sleepers. But if it is very hot, it could get sticky.

Why: Hiding in the basement

With the temp hitting 30, the only real place in the house where it is a little comfortable is our basement. Sure it is still in the 20’s down there but it is dark and cool. Everyone retired there yesterday afternoon to watch some cartoons. As long as you don’t move, it is cool. Now my wife and baby have had a head cold the last few days, so that is not helping them feel good. Humid air and a stuffy nose are not a good combo.

What: Luther

I kind of took an American holiday yesterday. After cleaning up the living room, I threw parental leave out the window and was super lazy. Charlie slept all afternoon and I vegged in the basement. One of my favourite shows is back for a new season, so I had to check it out. Luther, starring Stringer Bell, kicked off Season 3 over the weekend. I was very happy for the return of that show as the BBC was taking forever to keep it going. Luther is one of the best crime dramas going. If you like CSI or any other cop show for that matter, check it out.

Photo of the Day


From the Internet

The Good Men Project – 5 Things I Hear As A Married Man

I’m wondering if I’m the only married guy who hears this kind of stuff from people:
What if your wife finds out about this? 
Don’t worry. She already knows about it. In fact, she’s the one who introduced me to it. Think I’m lying? Just ask her. (But I have to warn you. She swears a lot, even in front of the kids. It’s a habit. She learned how to speak English from listening to Slovenian jazz players, most of whom learned their English from their teacher, this drummer from Detroit.)

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