Day 107: Parental Leave Was Getting Too Easy


August has said so long. School is back. September is here in full force.

Parental leave? Well it has been getting a little easy. It has been getting a little boring. To be honest, why do stay-at-home parents complain so much?

Okay, that last part, not nice of me. I am kidding of course. Taking care of the kids all day is a lot of work for sure.

For me, as I enter the last month of my parental leave, I guess I needed something to amp up the challenge.

Charlie, our baby boy has been a wonderful roommate for so far and I would have to say, he is pretty manageable.

So what could we do as a family to really test my dad skills? What would be the next challenge for me before I head back to work?

Well how about our other son, the soon-to-be 4-year old, staying home full-time as well?

Yep, challenge accepted.

Harrison will be staying home with us until the start of October when the two boys are off to the same daycare.

Why do I feel like I just got served?

So now that Labour Day weekend is gone, it is just me and the boys from 7:30-6pm each day. There is nowhere to hide. There is nobody to turn to. There is no reason to panic?

I got this. I have been taking care of dad business like crazy for five months. What is one more kid?

Ha, you say. Don’t worry, I am not taking on this challenge lightly.

So for the next few weeks, it is full-on dad time.

Then to end the party known as parental leave, I will be closing out my time on a plane from Toronto to Halifax with the boys. No wife, no nanny and no mas.

Pretty fitting way to end it right?

Anyways, there are many battles to be won before then.

So how did the boys and I start our time together today?

How about grocery shopping!


Due to the holiday Monday, there was no time to get food yesterday. So it was up to me to take the boys and some how get us food today.

Well it went great. Everyone was behaved, I did not forget anything and nobody was left behind. The only pain was the monsoon that was taking place in Halifax.

I think I have been set up in a way. It was too easy. Other parents were looking at me with hate. Not only are my kids cute, they were behaving. Not fair sir.

Yep, it was fun even. Harrison was taking the items and putting them in the cart like he was a stock boy.

Am I that lucky? We shall see on Day 108 (Day 2).


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