Video: Invites You To Their Islands of Paradise

In Halifax, we are starting to get the cold weather. In fact last night we had some windy weather that had me wishing for a vacation.

Well I’m happy to offer you a glimpse of an escape. I won’t be going but one can dream right.?

Check out these very descriptive videos from Go Hawaii that will give you  a taste of how you might be able to escape this winter. Weather is changing, might as well head for Hawaii.

It’s a nice way to treat to yourself to a little virtual sand and surf if you’re trapped at your desk or spending way too much time at home with the kids.

Check out to learn more about different adventures you can take on the islands.

Want to get to know the islands better? These videos will warm you right up.

Oahu: Oahu is where the action is. It’s the cultural center of Hawaii, and the top tourist destination among the islands. As “The Gathering Place,” it truly is the heart of Hawaii. Home to perhaps the world’s most legendary beach, Waikiki, Oahu and Honolulu invite you to live in the moment.

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Hawaii Island: Nestled in the azure waters of Honaunau Bay, Hawaii Island lures visitors with its ancient appeal. Discover the local underwater flora and fauna, then hike up to the high ground while exploring an active volcano.

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Maui: Maui is the perfect place for a road trip. With hundreds of curves and dozens of bridges, beautiful vistas lie around every corner. Fruit stands dot the way, along beaches and through bamboo forests.

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=sqedpW9YrMQ&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8391″ /]


Kauai: The island of Kauai is the home of Hawaii’s Grand Canyon, Waimea Canyon. This natural wonder of the world is complemented by Pihea Trail, which runs through a lush forest, and Kalalau, which overlooks stunning valleys–a great place to pause during a romantic sunset.


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Upcoming Events:

Need another reason to go to Hawaii? How about a little NFL football?

The NFL’s best players go head-to-head in for the 2014 Pro Bowl on January 26 at Aloha Stadium on O‘ahu. This year’s all-star game is different as the stars are realigned. No more AFC vs. NFC. It’s all about giving fans match-ups they’ve never seen before. Watch the players get drafted and unexpected teams formed for memorable match-ups. It promises to be a game like you’ve never seen it before. For more information, visit


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