Video: Tui Brewery – Pranksters

Guy finds his house plumbed with beer

Dads like beer, that is obvious to say.

So I know you enjoy catching up with your friends for a cold beer and a good laugh.

Check out this video where a group of friends combine both for the ultimate gag.


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Over the years, Russell Brown has played plenty of gags on his group of friends. This time his brother Sean, along with his buddies, decided to team up with the help of the Tui Brewery to get him back.

Sean and his friends decided to plumb beer through Russell’s home in Auckland, New Zealand, tapping every faucet (even the shower) to pour cold beer.

This of course was a big surprise to Russell and a real pisser for his wife.

So, would you like beer flowing through every pipe in your house? Beer shower. Beer bath and even shaving with beer?


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