Video: Master Of None Trailer #StreamTeam


You know what I was reminded of last night? Netflix is more than just kids shows and movies. Crazy eh? Ever since I became part of the #StreamTeam the focus has always been on what the kids are watching and how to involve the kids with the power of Netflix. Ever since I watched Daredevil in the spring, I can’t say I have watched a great deal of Netflix personally.

It looks like that is about to change. I was just looking at all the new shows being added and got pretty excited.

The first one is called Master of None and it stars one of my faves, Aziz Ansari. I am so glad he is back in a show after Parks and Rec ended. This time it’s his show and I can’t wait. It starts streaming this Friday, Nov.  6th.

Here is the official trailer

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Yes the kids will still watch the majority of Netflix in our house, but it’s nice there are so many quality grown up shows on the menu.


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