Video: Canon’s Project Imaginat10n Turns You Into The Director


Thanks to technology, we all at some point think we are a big time movie director or professional photographer.

Welll, photographers and video geeks of all skill levels were invited to participate in Project Imaginat10n, a film festival inspired by your own photos.

Ron Howard and his daughter, Bryce Dallas Howard, both acclaimed directors, were tasked with picking the winning photos.

The images submitted were then considered to have short films based on them directed by high-profile celebrities who aren’t established directors.

They include:

Eva Longoria (film and TV actress)
Jamie Foxx (Academy Award winner)
Biz Stone (co-founder of Twitter)
Georgina Chapman (designer and co-founder of Marchesa)
James Murphy (formerly of LCD SOUNDSYSTEM)

See what Ron Howard has to say in this video when he talks about how the Project Imaginat1on has turned into an amazing new venue for creativity.

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In this video, Jamie Foxx talks to Ron Howard about his creative vision behind the camera.

[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Ztt_xS2MJNk&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4124″ /]
Finally, Ron Howard talks about how people of all backgrounds can find their inner creativity through this project.

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After receiving tens of thousands of submissions, the 91 winning photos were announced. The important aspect of the initiative is the insight that everyone is an artist and Canon is empowering consumers to bring out their inner artist enabling people to create, no matter what level of skill they possess in photography or filmmaking.

From here the 5 Celebrity Directors and 5 Film Contest Winners each chose 10 photographs, one from each theme, to inspire their films.

Project Imaginat10n is the first photography-inspired film festival in history.

You can watch the 5 Celebrity Directed and 5 Film Contest winners’ films at

1 Comment

  1. I think, not only this is the most genius advertising campaign “Canon” has ever come up with this,
    but this move could be huge, this genius idea could open the door to a new age of cinema!
    just like when we went from the web 1.0 to 2.0 , from an informative kind of webs to an fully interactive webs with user control.
    cinema could go with movies created , inspired , affected by the viewers , based on the public view demands and no longer rely solely on 1 writer scenario/script/imagination .
    I love this very much, would be following this with very high interest.
    Many thanks and Best wishes!

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