Video: Adidas Springblade Brings The “Electricity”


For as long as I can remember, I have been an adidas guy. Somewhere along the way I made that choice and broke away from nike and the others. I love my adidas.

There is a new type on the market that are bright, loud and full of electricity.

Check them out.

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The innovative adidas Springblade shoe is now available in a bright and loud “Electricity” style. The unique sneaker is wrapped in an attention-grabbing electric neon color with silver stripes, black accents and the staple transparent blades.

This bright shoe fad has been going on for a while now and at first I was not into it, but I think the style is growing on me. It started when I was watching this year’s March Madness. Many of the teams were decked out in eye-popping shoes.

Make sense that the Springblade line follows suit.

The Springblade is the first running shoe engineered specifically to help propel runners forward. Springblade’s radical design delivers Explosive Energy in every step with 16 individually tuned Energy Blades that provide one of the highest energy returns in the industry.

The innovation of shoes just won’t stop. Now they are actually helping you move forward?

As a dad, my days of running pretty much involve chasing kids, but if I were to ever hit the trails again, I would certainly look into this shoe.

Get yours at

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1 Comment

  1. I have been a fan of Adidas since forever, I do not buy shoes that are not from Adidas but I don’t know, doesn’t this model looks a little bit weird for you? It looks interesting but still weird for me with those blades, does it have a really advantage having the blades?

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