Valentine’s Day: A Modern Showmance

There’s a new relationship benchmark to achieve and it has nothing to do with a status update.

As we head into the month of love, Netflix asked some of their members how the video streaming service has impacted their romantic life. From the early phases of courting to post marital bliss, Netflix has often been a barometer of a relationship’s status. The streaming service polled its millennial members to ask how Netflix has impacted their relationship process over the years. From finding that show compatibility is important (yes, a love for Making a Murderer could make or break a bond) to understanding the significance of deciding to share an account, the findings uncovered some interesting insights…

Netflix Valentine's Day


Dating Profiles 101.

53% have added TV shows or specific movie genres to their dating profile to attract a potential suitor, so it’s probably no coincidence that 77% of members discussed movies and TV shows to break the ice on a first date.


It’s a thing. More than a quarter of respondents (56%) admit to finding someone more attractive based on the shows and movies they watched. According to our survey, the most attractive genre of shows and movies in a potential partner are action thrillers (56%), documentaries (53%) and dramas (53%).

Getting serious

A Modern Showmance.

Show-compatibility is important in relationships. In fact, 42% have or would ask someone out based solely on show-compatibility, and 73% of members have actually agreed to go on a date because the person had similar tastes in show and movies.

Netflix Official.

One in three of respondents feel that sharing their Netflix account is a big step toward a “serious” relationship.

In it for the long haul

Staying in is the New Date Night.

Six in ten (58%) respondents in a relationship say they prefer to stay in and watch Netflix for date night. Most (77%) say they watch Netflix together because they like spending time together without leaving the house, while seven in ten (68%) say shows are more fun when watched together, and 58% enjoy having someone to talk with about the show – the ultimate bonding experience!


When it comes to date night, most people (71%) say they negotiate with their spouse when deciding which shows to watch. Nearly half (47%) say that they use the “show for show” tactic. To avoid confrontation, choose one you both like! While romantic comedies are the top choice for couples to watch together (56%), action thrillers follow as a close second (54%).

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