Unexpected Parenting Advice: Francis Underwood

There are so many memorable quotes from television and movies.

Many of these great quotes have nothing to do with parenting. So what if the context was changed? We thought it would be fun to take some quotes from some of today’s top fictional characters and spin them into parenting advice. Make sense?

Even better when the character does not have children or even like them for that matter.

Here is Francis Underwood from House of Cards, dishing out some unexpected parenting advice for us all.

parental advice

Pretty good mantra for a parent. Keep telling your spouse this when kiddie complains about eating the veggies.

parental advice

When your kid complains about not being treated like an adult, you now have something to fall back on.

parenting advice

Don’t let those bad grades get you down. Your kid could end up creating Facebook.

parenting advice

Just watch the wheels spin in their brain when you use this one on your 4-year old.

parenting advice

Well, maybe that is not really good advice after all. We all do feel it sometimes right?

So do you think Frank would make a good parent? Join the conversation in the comments.


  1. Frank would be a great parent of a friend. I wouldn’t want to grow up with him, just have dinner with them once in a while. We want more House of Cards! When do we want it? Now!

  2. This would be a great ongoing series. Think of the possibilities across television history.

    Kramer from Seinfeld
    Michael Scott from The Office
    The Smoke Monster from Lost

    They write themselves.

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