Toronto To Replace Registration System For Recreation Programs

Have you ever tried to register your child into one of the thousands of programs run by Toronto Parks and Recreation? I have not. Why? Too many horror stories.

I am sure the tall tales are overblown but I have overheard mostly moms go on about getting up at 5 am, planning out what you want, planning out your back up wants, having several phones going, 30 web browsers and even a pigeon at the ready in case they accept old school air mail. Let’s just say it sounds like crazy shit. Way too much work for me.

But good news. 2016 called and told Toronto Parks and Rec to join the present.

Today the Mayor of Toronto, John Tory finally did what parents have been praying for. He has announced an overhaul of the whole system.

The Mayor says the current system is held together with “chewing gum and chicken wire.”

Current reaction to current system

Parent’s faces after today’s news

The current system processes 600,000 registrations each year for 80,000 programs and classes at the city’s 135 community centres, 40 indoor arenas and 122 pools.

I realize it will take some time for this to happen and it still probably will have flaws, but it seems like progress to me. Finally.


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