Welcome to 2024 everyone. It’s day 2 and I have aleady fallen behind on something I wanted to try out. That would be to try and write at least 500 words every day. Not focusing on clicks, or topics that will get clicks, or creating conversation or engagement. Just writing for the fun of writing. Like I did many years ago. Funny enough, writing for just fun pushed me into a career where it was about engagement, clicks and trying to stratigize what Google wanted to see. I think that is what kind of killed the buzz.
It really was about a daily journal to cut down on phone calls as I did not really like phone calls with family and friends. Posting about what I was up to was much easier. It was also before it was a thing to share everything on social media. Just like the boomerang of writing, to not writing, to writing again, social media is starting to go away from oversharing (at least that’s what I think). Sure there are endless amounts of influencers on Tik Tok and Instagram showing off their literal boring days and what they are cooking, but if you look at Facebook for example, your parents, aunts, highschool friends etc. are not sharing much anymore. Or at least what it was like several years ago.
So back to me and my internal challenge to write more. I have a blog. I have the time right now. So why not. It’s theraputic to clear the brain by tapping out stories and experiences on the keyboard. Now what will the posts be about. Not to be all Seinfeld about it, but they will mostly be about nothing.
I don’t want to get bogged up in SEO or even doing much research. I am just writing as my mind takes me. Hopefully it is not that all over the place for you, but that’s the plan.
I am sure some of the popular posts will be about what’s up with me, popular conversations I have with my wife and of course parenting stories.
I need to be careful though as I don’t want to annoy my teen and pre teen by sharing too much.
That’s cringe.
I also want to tidy up the blog and make it pretty simple for reading. Sure, I still want to generate some money, so ads won’t go away, but I also don’t want the blog to look like it’s 2012 anymore. So stay tuned.
Yesteday was the first day of the year and I had planned on writing. But instead I went for a family walk in High Park, watched TV (napped) and then cooked up our annual steak dinner with mash and broc. After writing, I think cooking is next in line for what clears my mind and reduces any stress.
So, yes, there will be food photos and recipes as well.
I also bet that as I do this often I will get good at guessing when I hit 500 words. I just checked and I was at 478. Not bad.
Time to go boil some water for a mid morning tea. The kids are off school this week, so they get to enjoy some Dad adventures if they so choose.
Talk soon.