Own The Mornings One #Spoondrop At A Time


Mornings can be tough for everyone. But when you add kids to the mix, things get really hairy. Going from slamming the snooze to getting out the door on time can rival the hardest challenges you see on Survivor. You don’t just have to worry about yourself, you have to manage a perfectly executed assault for multiple people.

If you don’t? Breakfast is not eaten, teeth are left dirty and permission sheets are once again forgotten. Let’s not even talk about having the brain power to think about what is for dinner in 9 hours. It’s controlled madness in our house. Little talking, lots of doing.

We have it down to a science for the most part, but has always the one variable that can throw it all out of whack are the kids.

Review – Mattell #BOOMcoBLAST Rapid Madness Blaster

Is there anything more fun for kids than toy guns? They have come so far since I was little. Nerf has always been the big player in toy guns, and now Mattell is jumping into the mix with their BOOMco line of toys.

Before I start, for those who know me, I have always been against toy guns, in particular, the ones that shoot darts or any kind of bullets. I got hit in the face as a kid and it hurt, so that kind of set me for life.

So when I was contacted to review the BOOMco Rapid Madness Blaster, I was torn. The dad blogger in me was all in, picturing the fun I would have with the boys. But the parent in me was a little against bringing weapons into the house.

So I decided to accept the toys, test and review and use the opportunity as a learning experience for the boys.

I have to say, when the very cool box from BOOMco arrived, I was a little kid again.