Today’s Shooting Really Puts Things In Perspective

I won’t go into what happened today, you already know that. Opinions are flooding the Internet and TV screens everywhere. We get it, guns are bad. Why are these tragic moments still happening? It is just so messed up.

It is Christmas. All of the hustle and bustle does not seem to be that big a deal anymore. So what if that one perfect gift is sold out. Who cares of there is a long line at the store.

There are parents that no longer have the kids they started the day with. Going home to a house of what was to be Christmas cheer.

It makes me so mad and so sad all at once.

Yes, it was touching to see President Obama get choked up about it. But is anything going to change? Doubtful. The news cycle will run the course and we will go back to normal until the next shooting.