Review: The Amazing Spider-Man Toys from Hasbro

First of all, I want to apologize to the team at Hasbro for the late review. For most of the month of May, we were moving. The toys sat in a box, waiting to be opened. We did not want to open until we hit the road.


Now that we are settled, the toys are out and the fun has begun.

So, that means review time.

I know the movie opened many weeks ago, but do kids really care? They just want the toys.

The toys that were sent by Hasbro were a Spider-man mask and a Spider-man web shooter.

Hasbro’s Transformers Construct-Bots Review

I grew up loving Transformers. Yes, they were around long before Michael Bay got his hands on them. The cartoons, the toys, the iconic transforming sound. Loved it all.

So it is the best feeling when I get to watch my boys build their own love for the toys as the grow. Sure a few things have changed and the modern versions of the toys are much more slick and fancy, but they are still transformers.

One of the modern views of the transformers are the Construct-Bots.

Recently I was sent a few by the good folks at Hasbro. The plan was to build them with my son and then name it and post it to the web.

Well, parenting got in the way and I just got around to opening the box today.

Thanks dad, jeez. Anyways. Harrison does not even know they are in the house.

Review: Hasbro’s KRE-O Star Trek Line Beams Me Up


The latest blockbuster movie to hit the big screen is Star Trek Into Darkness and with any movie of that size, you know there will be cool toys for the dads, I mean kids.

Hasbro has been kind enough to send us three toys from their  new KRE-O Star Trek line. The exciting new group of toys includes KRE-O building sets and KREON figures based on J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek franchise.

The package that came in the mail was pretty big, so the excitement shot through the house pretty fast. And that was just me. My boys are not old enough to play with this kind of lego, so it worked out that they are away with their mother. That will give me time to build each ship before they get home.

The three that were sent to me were:

Transformers Fan Built Bot Poll: New, Final Voting Now Taking Place!


Fans Helped Design a New Transformers Character…Now They Must Help Name It and More!

The first round of voting is complete in the Fan Built Bot poll, which for the first time in history allows fans of the Hasbro, Inc. TRANSFORMERS brand to help create a new TRANSFORMERS character that will be forever added to the TRANSFORMERS world. In anticipation of the TRANSFORMERS’ brand 30th anniversary in 2014, the “Fan Built Bot” Poll now enters its second and final voting phase, allowing fans to select the Fan Built TRANSFORMERS character’s name, gender, origin and specialty!

Angry Birds Star Wars Review



Do you play Angry Birds? I bet you do even if you don’t want to admit it. The simple game that we all have on our phone is taking over the world, one exploding bird at a time.

So it is with no surprise that the Angry Bird people decided to merge with one of the biggest toy franchises ever – Star Wars, to make an unstoppable force known as Angry Birds Star Wars.

As a dad blogger, I have been given the chance to review some toys and other products from Hasbro. It is very exciting and to be honest, I could not be cooler in the eyes of our three-year old son.

Yesterday the UPS truck pulled up and basically shut down our house. We had to open that box right away. I knew what it was, but my son did not. He looked like it was Christmas all over again.

Inside were three items, all from Hasbro and all Angry Birds Star Wars related.

Hasbro Invites Kids And Fans To Create New Transformers Character


One of the fun perks of doing the dad blogging thing is that you get contacted by companies who want your help as an influencer for their brand and products.

Recently I was asked to partner up with Hasbro to help them get the word out for their new toys. That means getting free products to try and review as well as inside information on upcoming releases.

Already I have been asked to review some Iron Man 3 products which will be reviewed in the coming weeks and there was this press release that came out at the end of last week.

Hasbro wants help from kids and us, to help them create a new transformer character.

Here is the official release: