Harrison`s First Live Basketball Game
One of Harrison`s Christmas presents was tickets to go and see a Halifax Rainmen game. We have been to see the Halifax Mooseheads a few times, but never to a Rainmen game.
Harrison loves basketball and watches it on TV whenever I am watching it. He is even starting to get the rules of the game. For some reason, he loves it when the ball gets stolen. Anyways.
Sunday was being referred to as “no nap day“ because the game was at 2pm, which is usually when the boys nap.
I was looking forward to the game as well because live basketball (no matter the level) is always a treat. I have been a hoops fan for most of my life, so I would never say no to going to a game.
The exciting part was our seats were on the floor right behind the basket.
So we bundled up and headed down to the Metro Centre where the Rainmen play.