We’re Back!

Well that was fun. For those of you who did not even notice, the blog has been offline for a few days. Things have been sorted out and we are…

Thank You To All Of The Fans


As the rain comes down on this dreary Toronto day, we at Like A Dad, want to take five minutes (that’s all we have), to give a shout out to all the fans.

As the person who does his best to fill the pages with entertaining words and photos, I get a real kick out of hearing stories of how much people enjoy the blog.

Sometimes in this social media crazed world, if there are no likes, retweets, hearts or comments, you forget that people are actually reading and enjoying your work. Just because there is no sign of it, they are there.

That is what makes it so cool when I hear via my wife, or at friend get-togethers, that my blog is a hit.

I have even had offers to help grow the brand and to spread Like A Dad even further.

Like A Dad To Move Office and Kids To Toronto

Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 15, 2014Like A Dad, a parenting blog focused on the life of one dad and his family, is excited to announce that it will be relocating its office to Toronto, on May 14, 2014.

Like A Dad was started in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in November of 2012, after the birth of the owner’s second son. The blog is relocating it’s staff (family) to Toronto due to job changes and to be closer to family and friends. All day-to-day operations will begin in the new office on the Tuesday after the Victoria Day weekend.

Like A Dad is written and managed by Michael Cusden, a digital marketer, who excels in creating engaging web content for several properties. He will also be leaving his day job of 5 years at SimplyCast, to pursue bigger challenges in Toronto, where he once worked in the television industry.

Why Do I Blog? My Brain Would Explode Otherwise

Recently in a Halifax blogger Facebook group that I am part of, someone asked why we blogged. Why did we spend so much time writing posts and sharing with everyone our thoughts. Was it for money, fame, to kill time, to be part of a group or even a way to avoid doing something else. Everyone has their reasons and I thought it was an interesting question to answer.

So I decided to air my thoughts on why I blog. Here goes.

Who Do I Blog?

Blogging has been a part of my daily life ever since I first started using MSN Spaces way back in the early 2000’s. Yeah, remember that archaic tool that let you fill in areas with content and drag them around? It all started because I had moved away from home and it was the easiest way to keep my mother updated on what I was up to.

This was before Twitter, Facebook and all the other social sites. MSN messenger was pretty big and 911 had to even happened yet.

It was great. I could update my mother on my life in Toronto, while not having to spend a lot of time on the phone. I have never been a fan of the phone.

That was where the “blogging” started. Of course that was only the beginning and I did not even know it was blogging to be honest. It was more of a daily newsletter that very few people read.

Over time I grew with the medium. I did blogger, the free WordPress site and finally in 2008, I made the jump to the self-hosted WordPress software.

Link A Dad – Top Dad Links For April 4 2013

There are so many great dad bloggers, tweeters, posters, pinners, tubers and overall social media mad men. Moms get all the attention, so here are just some of the top Dad Links for April 4, 2013.

Dad’s DenKidKraft Grand Gourmet Corner Kitchen

To whom it may concern…I have a funny conversationDoing the happy dance

& Squatch Makes 3& get up, stand up

The DadconteurI Can Be Your Hero, Baby

Always Jacked About FatherhoodHow to Explain Vaginas to a Four-Year Old Boy

Single Dad LaughingYou just broke your child. Congratulations

Have a link you want us to share? Contact us today.

Link A Dad – Top Dad Links For Feb. 28 2013

There are so many great dad bloggers, tweeters, posters, pinners, tubers and overall social media mad men. Mom’s get all the attention, so here are just some of the top Dad Links for Feb 28, 2013.

The Rock FatherInternational Delight Light Iced Coffee – Peanut Butter & Chocolate on the Rocks #LightIcedCoffee

Dad Blunders20 Things Every Boy Should Know

How To Be A DadThe Charlie Brown Question

NYC Dads GroupMoving Beyond “Perfectionism” as a Parent

My DadventuresHard Work and more Wisdom from Ben Affleck

Daddy’s GroundedIn Search of a Great Burger

Head over to the Dad Bloggers Facebook page to find even more great dad content, oh and feel free to like or join.

Want your post listed here, just drop me a line and I will be glad to link you up.

Now for today’s moment of Dad zen after the jump.