All Aboard The Big Boy Bed Train


On rainy days, it is always a struggle to think of ways to entertain the boys and most importantly, keep our sanity. I know there are probably a million and one things to do in Toronto indoors, but Sunday morning is not the time to count on the brain for a home run.

So, we did what we normally do, shop. We headed to Dufferin Mall and when I was saying we could go to Toys R Us, Katie said something about there also being Babies R Us if we needed anything there. Then she stopped herself and said, I guess we don’t need that stuff anymore.

It’s true, our house is slowing looking less and less baby-like. The sippy cups are losing their lids, diapers are going the way of the dinosaur and we even leave the house sometimes without the diaper bag.

Day 80: Parental Leave Is Starting to Crawl

The PL stands for Parental Leave, which I am currently doing for six months.

For those following the daily battles, you probably have noticed there has not been an update in a week. I will do a full blog post on it later, but I seem to have hit a parental leave wall. As I approach four months in, I feel fatigued from many thing, one of which is the daily blogging about it. Not to worry. I have been blogging long enough to know that I always bounce back after being recharged. The same can be said for the parenting. I am trying my best to add some new things each day and looking forward to more changes with the kids. But for now, the last few days of July, I am just coasting on the same old, same old. So thanks for being patient with me. A lot is happening. I just can’t be bothered to sit at the computer and rehash it.

Let’s try to start it all back up by looking at today, Day 80 on the PL.

Day 73: Crawling, Teething, Excusing And Mowing

The PL stands for Parental Leave, which I am currently doing for six months.

Wow, where do I begin? With our family vacation last week, it has been some time since I did a daily wrap up. So much has happened with the kids and their growth over the last 10 days, I will do my best to catch up. I will also be doing other posts on the vacation highlights. It is nice to be home and back to the normal challenges of parental leave. Although a few things have changed which will make my days a lot more fun and busy going forward. Manners are a hot topic in our house as we are teaching Harrison to say “excuse me” or “pardon me”, instead of “what did you say”?

So please excuse me as I slowly get back into the swing of things. It is great to be back and telling you all about Day 73 on the PL.