2016: It Wasn’t A Total Dumpster Fire

As the year closes, I have been pulled in by my computer to put a stamp on 2016, in my own words. If you simply live your life through your social feed, it has been a shitty one. So many celebs we grew up with passing away, the whole Trump thing and an endless supply of other WTF moments. While I agree the last 365 days have been overall bad, I do want to focus on all the good, especially when it comes to my personal life.

Remember, life is how you look at it, so I suggest stop dwelling in the negative and celebrate the good times a lot more.

#NewYearNewView For The Like A Dad Family

For anyone who knows our family, we like to do major things in bunches and then have a period of quiet. 2016 already looks like we are coming out of a quiet period. It’s going to be a crazy, wild and fun year ahead for the family. So when we are not stapled to the couch watching Netflix, there are a few goals we have planned for the upcoming 12 months. I already listed my personal ones, but here are a few that we are going to try as a family.

  • Expand our diets by trying new foods with the kids.
  • Get back to the kids eating the foods they used to.
  • Get back to putting the boys in enrolled activities.
  • Try to have our first real family summer vacation.
  • For mom and dad, to be more aware of screen time (personally and for boys).
  • Storing things in the place they are supposed to go.

My #2015bestnine sums up my life pretty good. Meat and kids.

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Things I Aim To Do In 2016 Like A Dad

When a year comes to an end, everyone is taking a look back and what they did or didn’t do over the last 12 months. Then, they look ahead, making lists of what they want to do in the future. The changing of the calendar to 2016 is a great time to start fresh. To take stock of life and make some goals for the next 365 days. I have never been one for resolutions, but I do like to have a few goals on the go, even if I don’t express them.

Happy new year one and all.

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But as someone who works in marketing, setting benchmarks is the only way to really measure success and failure. I read a great post from fellow dad blogger, Casey Palmer, where he lists in great detail, his goals for the year. So, I figured I could do the same, but in fewer words.